Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Day 42 Part 4 - Relatives of Shalom Sanchez...

On the Rail Runner, I took one picture of the scenery...sat for a while, and then, when I took my next picture, this fellow across the aisle, perhaps in his 40s, who looked to be a college professor-type, said, "You are not allowed to take pictures here, you know."

"Oh no, and why not?" I shot back.
"The Native Americans on the reservation have requested it, " he said, "I could make $20 for reporting you."
"Well, you seem rather well off so I'll trust you'll have no need of it."

A small crowd of persons in the seats around us were watching the exchange. I wasn't quite sure if he was serious or bluffing and no one said anything either way. So, as a compromise, I kept my camera out as if I might take another picture, but did not, for another 10 min. or so, then put it away and read some. I asked Andy Sanchez about it a few days later; he thought it seemed likely the man was pulling my leg. I wonder if he says the same to all the tourists on his daily commute. Troublemaker.

Now, on to Shalom. Shalom Sanchez is a dear dear friend of mine. We knew each other for a few years in LA, have kept in touch across the whole of a continent after I moved to NY, and have traveled together to Israel and Bermuda. (pic borrowed from FB!)

She comes from a family w/9 children. Her parents and many of her siblings still live in the Albuquerque area - here's a pic of the family (also borrowed from FB!) -

Very large... Anyhow, as it turned out, due to various circumstances w/home renovation & jobs etc., it only worked out for me to spend time with my cousins through Monday. Shalom had already offered her family earlier as options for me to visit, but I'd figured I wouldn't need to do that. However, when plans digressed, it worked out! I stayed first through Wednesday with her brother Lucas, his wife Angela, & their son Eli (the first three on the top left of the family pic), and the last night with her parents. This first eve there's not much in the way of photos of them, but I did take a few of the dogs, Lucy (a labradoodle) and Sidney (a chihuahua).

Lucy was my immediate friend, wished to stand on her hind legs and dance with me. Aren't her sad eyes darling? She was such a happy dog. Terrible breath, but excellent disposition. :)

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