Thursday, June 23, 2011

Day 41 - Beach Day in Santa Fe w/Marie & Chavo

Day 41 = June 19

It was a very pleasant long beach day with my cousin Marie and their dog Chavo at Lake Cochita (sp?). We arrived there around 9 am (early because we imagined it would be crowded due to Father's Day and the forest fires elsewhere), and stayed until the afternoon when the winds were picking up almost to 50-60 mph. We had the beach to ourselves, really, with just a few fishermen down the way, and a somewhat overvigilant beach ranger, who took photos of the fishermen, and on his second visit gave us his card and urged us to report any 'netting or snagging' we observed. We still have no idea what snagging is. :)

The drive over --

The beach --

After the beach I napped a bit and Marie did laundry. We then went out to play Super Scrabble in the back yard until the wind obliged us to take our game indoors.

It was an exciting game tho' - we were pretty equally matched... Marie was striding out ahead for a good while, when I finally made a 90-point move ('quit' and 'et' - not very impressive by themselves, but with quadruple word scores and the like, quite enough), it caught me up and put me ahead. We never finished our game because then Sara came in the door with her daughter - my 2nd cousin, Mary Rose, who I hadn't yet met! A tiny redhead. It was very nice to meet her. You'll see pix on 'Day 42'. :) We all talked for a long while and then they left to go home.

Last things that evening consisted of Marie and I teaching each other skills we'd discussed earlier. I taught her how to use Garageband to record songs, and she taught me how to do screen-printing using an embroidery hoop. (Day 42 will have pix of her work.) I'm not quite the artist she is, but it was interesting to learn all the same, and I may go ahead and do it one of these days! I'm so glad she spent the time to teach me. :) It was really fascinating...

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