Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Day 38 - LA: Cute as a Button Amos & Dinner w/Shannon

Day 38 = June 16

Little Amos being quite adorable with his frog backpack in the morning...

Simona, he and I spent some time laid out in the park in the afternoon. Then she dropped me off at Ross', where I do love to shop, and I found a lovely grandma-ish tank w/a doily-like neckline for $9 or so.

From there, Shannon picked me up (my former co-worker/now old friend mentioned/pictured on Day 35) and we went for dinner. She's quite well-traveled herself on a larger scale! You should check out her travel blog...she went to something like 13 countries in 10 months? or something like that; frankly so many I lost track! Anyway, we have a very fun friendship - which is funny because we didn't really click right off the bat...but over the years I think we find more and more how similar we are, despite the things we differ on. She's my main correspondent via mail (other than Tommy) now, and we visit on both coasts when we have the chance. (photo stolen from Facebook)

We had a lovely diner dinner at Fred 62 - this was mine:

So glad to see her again. Sad to say goodbye again, but for we two adventurers I do look forward to the stories we'll have when next our paths cross. :)

I came home to this adorable sight.

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