Monday, May 16, 2011

Days 7-9 - Pre-Funerary Time in MN

Saturday, May 7 – wake up, run, have brunch at Uptown Diner w/Tommy, go over to Mom & Dad’s with him, look through photo albums for Grandpa pics together for a few hours, scan like crazy until about 7 pm, then Tommy drops me off at my grandma’s house (and speeds off to band practice), as we are all taking turns spending nights with her so she is not alone. Rifle through all photo albums there as well, while watching Everybody Loves Raymond with Grandma, then we eat pie & ice cream, choose her outfit for the funeral together, and go to bed.

(photo of Tommy, cute kitty* & his mama)

Sunday, May 8 (Mother’s Day) – leave early with Tommy to drive an hour/hour & ½ up to Rush City to visit his mama, come back in the afternoon to visit my mama, go to church at The Beat together, then Tommy drops me off at home and does his laundry/errands and has another band practice while I pack for an overnight at Mom and Dad’s and catch up with roomies. 10:30 pm – Mom & Uncle Mike pick me up in Uptown and drop me off at my parents’ house while on their way out to eat. I mean to scan pics in evening and leave in the morning but fall asleep nearly immediately.

Monday, May 9 – wake at 8 am, post inspirational intentions on Facebook about how I’m going to be a co-creator of a wonderful day with God, then spend nearly 7 hours scanning & enhancing pics. Sweaty, tired and cranky, am still at parents house in afternoon in pjs & feel like I will never leave when Tommy emails and says he can drive me home when he gets off work, after which I shower and am rescued from the craziness. Once home we share a quick cuddle before he is off to another band practice and after a little rest I work on choosing poetry for NY poetry/music show w/Erel & friends this Friday. While doing so, the roomies are watching TV loudly in the living room so I wear huge headphones to block it out as I read aloud to my mirror, standing at my microphone. Tommy comes over on way home from practice rather late, totally spent and ‘xhausted. After he recovereth, he lets me practice my first set of poems on him, more cuddling ensues, and he leaves before long so we can get a good night of sleep before funeral.

* cute kitty is the kitty's actual name.

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