- sleep in
- cake for breakfast
- get ready for day, practice poetry in mirror while Jamie's in shower
- visit HDG Mansur (old office)
- walk across town to Rockefeller Center and Times Square (for Jamie's sake), take pix
- Christy eats chicken schwarma ('street meat')
- take train to West Village
- nap together by waterside
- Jamie eats Five Guys' burger & shares fries with Christy
- observe famous actor cross street and enter gelato place, can't identify
- arrive early to the Path Cafe
- catch up w/old friends who come for show
- PERFORM with Erel Pilo & other amazingly talented singers, poets & puppeteers! :)
- go out w/said singers, poets, puppeteers & Gary (beau of singer/puppeteer) for drinks with $ we made at dive bar (Jamie & Christa go home early first)
- try not to observe sad bartender girl dancing on bar in bra & shorts while praying she won't accidentally kick my head - she demandeth applause but crowd is not really into it
- Maxwell Berger, poet, allows me to escort him home to Brooklyn (for 'his safety')
- wherein I exit subway and walk two blocks to bed, and crash, finally, at 3 a.m.-ish
(1st photo below courtesy of Jessica Caplan; last photo below courtesy of Chris Glady)
Love it Christy!
Thanks Chris! :)