Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Day 3 - Road Lessons

Tired - the last 2 nights have nearly brushed my teeth w/Clearasil. This morning I left my computer in Neenah and realized it an hour later and we had to go back.

Road Lessons Learned So Far

1. Check every room you have been in yourself like your mamma taught you, before leaving a place.

2. We both need some non-social time (naps/getaways on our own) or we max out. This is especially true when the persons you are visiting are the other traveler's friends - adjusting to new people, even really great people (!) takes more energy than catching up w/ones you know.

3. Pace yourself when eating, & make time for exercise! People tend to feed you really well when you are their guests - they show their A game! which is amazing...but if you don't use discernment, you find yourself eating cookies after the lava cake & wine after the eggplant parmesan (+ seconds), bread (+ seconds) and asparagus. 'Nuff said.

I have much more to say after this wonderful day, but word #1 there sums it up and I am going to sleep! - xo, C.

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