Thursday, May 26, 2011

Day 19 - Nashville: Waffle Houses, Birds & Kat Jones

In the morning, a waffle house was first on Erel's to do list. So we made haste to the waffle house for brunch. I'm not sure what is going on w/my outfit in this pic, but the place itself is all cute and waffle-house-y. Erel made some friends with the staff, who were training in a new employee - as she relates because she'll be waitressing at Talia's, a fancy NY establishment, on her return home.

Liked the genuine semi-trailer sitting out in front of it. :)

We then went shopping for a swimsuit for Erel, and then home to do some sunning at the pool at Gail & Dick's apartments. Around us, the birds were exceedingly verbal and busy putting together nests. This one found a place in the trestle just beside the pool. We did some crying too while talking, which caused me to reflect that I've cried with several friends on this trip - either them, or me, or both - and that has been a good thing. It's not everyone you can let down your guard with, and it's important to have the kind of friends with whom you can.

In the evening, we had some plans with Kat Jones, to visit her at work - but she got off early and we ended up going to meet her at 3 Crow Bar in Nashville, and her friend Bekah joined us. I know Kat from a Violet Burning show she opened at in Bakersfield, CA forever ago. Our time ran into the first couple hours of her birthday and we managed to enjoy them even tho' an at-first-almost-charming-and-then-kind-of-annoying young gent/comedian insinuated himself into our gathering and began to show signs of not ever leaving. In his southern drawl, before he took the hint and left, he had identified us as a group of 'elderly women, but you're all hot as hell!' It was kind of funny. He gave us a card and encouraged us to come to his comedy show, but we left it for the patrons after us.

(Kat & Bekah)

It's very interesting and depressing, some of the things we learned while talking to Kat, about the music industry, and the Christian music industry in the 90s. Persons were actually written 'testimonies' (ie their stories about how they came to faith) BY other persons at their label, and told to memorize and share these stories onstage - tho' they were not at all true. Because supposedly if you talk about your faith onstage in certain subcultures, the album sales increase by an amazing percentage. Harumph. It was alarming -- although admittedly, once any part of anything becomes about $$, becomes an industry, it's definitely in danger of poisoning the well. Probably that's the reason for that bible verse about how you can't serve both God and money. With these clashing interests, it seems that alcoholism has taken a pretty firm grip in this city - which became apparent over the next few days. It's sad, so sad. That said, on this particular night, we did not see anyone drunk or disorderly, and returned home safely, albeit very late.

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