THEN, Erel was driving me to Bongo Java before church so that I could meet up with my old friend David Browning - as in veeeerry old friend, another someone I met around the same time Slim and I met - though our keeping in touch-ness has been much more spotty. While we were driving over, I'd given Erel the address and she asked about the place I was going. I said, "oh it's Bongo Java" and the look on her face - I'm tellin' ya - it was priceless. Apparently, while I was going to be meeting David at the Belmont Bongo Java, she was going to be across town meeting Brett on his work break at another Bongo Java. There are only 2 or 3 in the whole city. Twinsies. Very odd, right?
Anyway, so we just had an hour or so to pull all this off, so she dropped me off, went to her Bongo Java, David & I caught up in super speed on about 15+ years where I did a million things, and he did a million things, including getting married, having 2 kids, doing songwriting w/Diane Warren in LA and some famous peeps in NY whose names I have of course forgotten, helping Katy Perry get her start, and starting his own boutique music company. When we met, he was playing w/Al Denson and I was doing stage crew. He says that during the down time of the day, he lent me the book Celebration of Discipline by Richard Foster and I went off and read it during sound check etc., returning it to him later that night saying there were a couple chapters I hadn't got to yet. I have no recollection of this but it sounds like me. :)
Erel came back, took the above pic and delivered me to church at The Anchor, which is Kat Jones' church. It was in a small old church building. Had a loud band, an array of mostly youngish people with a good bit of tattoos, leather & beards present. I wandered in and while looking for a restroom, found a little library in the basement which I photographed because I thought it would be awesome to start one for Church in Uptown (in Minneapolis).
Whereupon Kat found me and took me up and introduced me to some lovely people and we enjoyed the service. It was very interesting - before the pastor spoke, there was a bearded tattooed guy named Joe Burgers who shared about his heart to be a pastor for bands, to travel with them and help them to grow spiritually while away from home. He and some other folks are even creating kind of a curriculum for a study or studies the bands can use on the road. Heretofore he had only done this for bands who could afford to pay his living expenses, but wanted to be able to provide that to anyone who asked, and so he is beginning to raise support - only $800/month. I found this fascinating and purposed to ask him about it at the end of the service.
Well, the worship was, I don't know, good I guess, because I found myself lost in it at some point, and on my knees, and crying, and a girl named Rachel and that road-pastor fellow Joe came and asked if they could pray for me. They prayed some really good stuff for me which I am still 'unpacking' a week later.
Later, I wandered about, took a pic of the cross they had on the altar at the front because I think it's by the same artist who painted the one I had in my apt. in Brooklyn, which I gave to my friend Corinna recently.
And this is Kat & I. Finally enough light to take a decent pic of her! My camera has an awful flash that vampirizes everyone, so I don't use it and my night photos are always hit & miss.
Afterward, Erel swung by and picked me up and we had dinner at Drifters, a suggestion of Kat's. And then, we re-met up w/her and some friends to catch the latest Pirates movie at the Regal Cinema. I don't think they are the highest art, but it was fun to watch w/some friends. :) A nice way to finish a long trip.